Friday, April 18, 2014

My Lego Beach House

Today, I'm going to WonderCon, in Anaheim, California. But, I think I'll be wishing I was at the beach, soaking up the sun, wading in the ocean, having some quality Californian time! Ah, there's always next weekend!!!

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

ALA 2014 - Part 3 Hall Shots, Swag Shots!

ALA 2014!!! Hall Shots, Swag Shots!

One of the assignments, that was given to me, was to try to "capture the feel of the convention". They wanted to show how much fun it is to be at the con. I have a few more photos of this, but here are some! 

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ALA 2014 - Part 2 The Pool Area is Cool Area

ALA 2014!!! The Pool Area is Cool Area!!!

Con-Goers to ALA, know, the pool is the place to be during the con. Most of the cosplayers and photogs gather by the pool to take pics or to even congregate to another location. The pool brings in a lot of light and is just a great place, especially for all those swimsuit cosplay! 

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Anime Los Angeles 2014 - Part 1 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS


A lot of you know, LoL is probably one of the games I'm currently addicted to right now. It doesn't help that all the cosplayers, cosplaying League, are top notch and awesome! Here are a few photos of cosplayers rocking League at ALA!!! Sooooo proud of all of you!!!

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Monday, April 14, 2014

PMX 2013 - Con Shoots 1

PMX 2013!!!

Going to a con, you meet a lot of random cosplayers who ask for photoshoots. Here is a group of pretty cool cosplayers!

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